Saturday 11 December 2010

Its alive...

Slowly but surely I am managing to get things working in my game.

This week I have added a vector of enemies with functions containing for loops to do the necessary loading and rendering to the screen.

I have also managed to get my bullet moving and returning after a key press.

I am currently working on my collision detection algorithm which at the moment looks like this:

bool CollisionCheck()
        return true;

    else if (G1.B1.GETYCOORD() > D1.GETYCOORD() && G1.B1.GETYCOORD() < D1.GETYCOORD())
        return true;

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Some progress/changes

Scratch my last post. My game is now called "Dragon Swarm"

I have currently added a background, a player class which inherits from the game object class and an enemy class which inherits from the player class. I have implented some simple movement functions for the enemy and also for the players gun.

I have a bullet class that will fire which the left mouse button is clicked.

Sum sprite sheets to follow:

Enemies, crosshairs, bullets and weapon

Wednesday 27 October 2010

Title and more sources

The title of my game is going to be called Deadly Duckz. A simple shooting game where the player will control a crosshair that will aim and be able to shoot at the enemy ducks as they fly across the screen. A timer will be started at the beginning of the game and the amount of time given will be dependent on the difficulty setting.

Any ducks shot will be totalled up into a score. This score will be placed onto the highscores board if it is high enough along witht he players initials.

The following website link has alot of good information on 2d gaming algorithms that could come in handy:

A finite state machine for previous states and pseudo code

case START:
-Load Start Screen-

    state = HIGH_SCORE;

else if(playerClickStart)
    state = GAME_LOOP;


-Show high scores-

if (PlayerClickPlay)
    state = START;

-Do game actions-

    case = START;

else if(PlayerPressPause)
    set gameispaused = true;
    state = PAUSE;

else if(timer = 0)
    case = GAME_OVER;

case PAUSE:
-Pause game-

if ((gameispaused = true) && (PlayerPressPause))
    case = GAME_LOOP

-show game over screen-

if(score > lowestHighScore)
    Enter initials;
    case = High_SCORE

    case = START;

The point of this pseudo code is to give me a base to structure my code so that it decreases complexity.

Tuesday 26 October 2010


These are a rough draft of the possible screen states and conditions my game will have:

Monday 18 October 2010

Sprite Sheets

If you like this software and blog please donate to Cancer Research UK through the following link:

I have been trying to find some sprite sheets on the internet so I can actually have a theme for my game and develop a name.
I'm having trouble finding alot of things that go together so I may have to create my own. The best I've found so far is some old NES 1984 duck hunt ones.


My tutor for this module has been giving lots of sources for us to learn how to make this game on the fly. I am finding the online tutorial materials much more accessible than the course text book

Saturday 16 October 2010

The beginning

If you like this software and blog please donate to Cancer Research UK through the following link:

My name is Ashley Patterson. I am currently studying computer science with games technology at city university london.

This blog will be used to record my progress towards creating a 2.5 shooting game in directx 9/visual studio.

I have begun playing some versions of the type of game I intend to make on various websites to get a feel of whats required.

I will be looking to make my own version of something that looks like thisin terms of layout.